In Part I, I shared my first attempt at transcribing a 1707 London Gazette. In this post, I continue where I left off on page 2 of the local news.
first item is a bankruptcy notice for Richard Benner of Weymouth.
Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt against Richard Benner, of Weymouth
in the County of Dorset, Mercer, intend to meet not only on the 5th of November
next, (as advertis’d on Thursday last) but also on the 5th of December next, at
3 after Noon, at the Irish Chamber in Guildhall, London, in order to make a
Dividend of the Bankrupt’s Estate: At one of which Times and Place all
Creditors are to come prepared to prove their Debts, and pay their
Contribution-Money, or they will be excluded the said Dividend.
next item is also a bankruptcy notice against the estate of Thomas Windfeild of Wapping.
Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt against Thomas Wingfeild, late of
Wapping in the County of Middlesex, Oil-man, deceased, intend to meet on the
17th of November next, at 3 after Noon, at the Irish Chamber in Guildhall,
London, to make a second Dividend of his Estate, and such Creditors as have not
yet paid their Contribution Money, and proved their Debts, are then to do the
same, or they’l be excluded.
Next is a bankruptcy notice for Edward Huggins and Richard Hadson.
Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt against Edward Huggins and Richard
Hadson late of London, Lightermen, and Copartners, intend to meet on the 14th
of November next, at 3 in the Afternoon, at Guildhall, London, to make a Dividend
of the said Bankrupts Estate; where all the Creditors that have not paid their
Contribution money, and prov’d their Debts, are then to do the same, or they
will be excluded the Benefit of the said Dividend.
we have a bankruptcy notice for Thomas Martin.
Whereas Notice was given the 20th Instant, That the
Commissioners in a Commission of Bankrupt against Thomas Martin, late of
London, Orange-Merchant, intended to meet the 31st Instant, at Three after
Noon, at Guildhall, London; These are to give Notice, That one of the acting
Commissioners cannot be present at the Time appointed, therefore the said
Meeting is put off till the 10th of November next, at 3 after Noon, at
Guildhall, London: At which Time and
Place the Creditors of the said Martin are to come prepared to prove their
Debts, and pay their Contribution-Money, or they’l be excluded the Benefit of the Dividend.
More to come soon!
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