Thursday, October 16, 2014

London Gazette - October 27 to October 30, 1707 (Part 1)

Several years ago, I purchased a battered copy of a 1707 London Gazette.  It’s been kept in an archival sheet ever since. 
Online newspapers have been of great help to me with my own genealogy, so I’m sharing this in hopes that someone will find it of help with their own research.  I am attempting to transcribe it, as it is very difficult to read in some parts.  I’ve started with the local news on page 2.

The first article is regarding a burglary.  Unfortunately, it does not name the victim.  However, it does mention an attorney, Thomas Woodford.
On Monday Night, the 27th of this Instant October, some Persons broke into a Cellar of a House at Peckam in Surrey, and stole thence Two Silver Salvers, One large Pair of Candlesticks, One lesser Pair of Candlesticks, One Pair of Snuffers and Snuff Dish, Seven Spoons, One Pair of Buckles, Two Salts, Eighteen Knives, Maple-Hafts,  12 Forks, Maple-Hafts, a black Cloth Coat, a light Cloth Coat, a black Campagne Peruke, One Huckaback Table Cloth &c.  If any Person discovers the Offenders to Mr. Tho. Woodford, Attorney, in Threadneedle street, he shall receive a Reward of Ten Guinea’s.
The second article is about horse racing and does not contain any surnames, but is still interesting nevertheless.
U’on Epson Downs in Surrey, on the first Tuesday in December next, a Plate of 20 l. in Money will be run for, by any Horses that never won above 50 l.  The Horses to be at New Stables, or some other Contributor’s Stables 14 Days before; and 7 Days before, paying 3 Guinea’s, or paying of 5 Guinea’s, at any time; the Weight 10 Stone; not less than 3 to start.  The Day following a Plate of 5 l. by Galloways not exceeding 12 Hands 3 Inches;  the highest Weight 8 Stone; Weight for Inches allowed to all under that Size;  Stakes 20 s. to be paid 3 Days before, or 27 s. at any time; to be entered at the New Stables.
Next, there are a series of bankruptcy notices.  I’ve transcribed the first two so far.  The first is for Thomas Mathews of Newbery.  The second is regarding John Coppin of Norwich.
A Commission of Bankrupt being awarded against Thomas Mathews, late of Newbery in the County of Berks, Distiller; and he being declared a Bankrupt, is required to surrender himself to the Commissioners, who will sit on the 11th of November next, and the 5th of December next, at 3 after Noon, at the Globe Tavern in Newbery aforesaid.  On the first Sitting all Creditors are to prove their Debts, pay their Contribution Money, and chuse Assignees.  And all Persons that have any Money, Goods, or Effects of his, are not to pay or deliver the same but by Order of the Commissioners.

A Commission of Bankrupt being awarded against John Coppin, of the City of Norwich,  Worsted-Weaver; The Commissioners intend to meet at the Fleece Tavern in Norwich on Friday the 14th of November next, at 4 in the Afternoon; where the Creditors are desired to come prepared to prove their Debts, and pay their Contribution, or they will be excluded from any Dividend by the said Commission. 
It gets more difficult to read from here!  I will be posting some more in the near future.


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